breseq  version 0.32.0b  
mutation predictions | marginal predictions | summary statistics | genome diff | command line log

Predicted mutations
evidence position mutation annotation gene description
RA 704,377 C→A N196K (AAC→AAA chiP → chitoporin, uptake of chitosugars
RA 741,050 C→A L144M (CTG→ATG)  ybgL → UPF0271 family protein
RA 1,191,676 C→T H366H (CAC→CAT icd → e14 prophage; isocitrate dehydrogenase, specific for NADP+
RA 1,191,688 C→T T370T (ACC→ACT icd → e14 prophage; isocitrate dehydrogenase, specific for NADP+
RA 1,191,701 T→C L375M (TTA→CTG)  icd → e14 prophage; isocitrate dehydrogenase, specific for NADP+
RA 1,191,703 A→G L375M (TTA→CTG icd → e14 prophage; isocitrate dehydrogenase, specific for NADP+
JC JC 2,400,257 IS5 (+) +4 bp intergenic (‑137/‑780) lrhA ← / → alaA transcriptional repressor of flagellar, motility and chemotaxis genes/valine‑pyruvate aminotransferase 2
RA 2,419,720 T→C D183G (GAT→GGT)  hisJ ← histidine/lysine/arginine/ornithine transporter subunit
RA 2,419,933 G→T A112D (GCC→GAC)  hisJ ← histidine/lysine/arginine/ornithine transporter subunit
RA 2,420,328 2 bp→AA intergenic (‑61/+159) hisJ ← / ← argT histidine/lysine/arginine/ornithine transporter subunit/lysine/arginine/ornithine transporter subunit
JC 2,420,338 +AATT intergenic (‑71/+150) hisJ ← / ← argT histidine/lysine/arginine/ornithine transporter subunit/lysine/arginine/ornithine transporter subunit
JC JC 3,178,254 IS5 (+) +4 bp coding (56‑59/291 nt) yqiC → BMFP family putative fusogenic protein
RA 3,953,437 Δ1 bp pseudogene (178/243 nt) yifN ← PemK toxin family pseudogene
RA 3,969,337 G→T E278* (GAG→TAG)  wecE → TDP‑4‑oxo‑6‑deoxy‑D‑glucose transaminase
RA 4,118,147 G→T C59* (TGC→TGA metJ ← transcriptional repressor, S‑adenosylmethionine‑binding

Unassigned missing coverage evidence
   seq id start end size ←reads reads→ gene description
* * ÷ CP009273 1191727 1206917 15191 24 [23] [22] 24 [icd]–[icdC] 25 genes
[icd], ymfD, ymfE, lit, intE, xisE, ymfI, ymfJ, cohE, croE, ymfL, ymfM, oweE, aaaE, ymfR, beeE, jayE, ymfQ, stfP, tfaP, tfaE, stfE, pinE, mcrA, [icdC]
* * ÷ CP009273 2084544 2085925 1382 24 [23] [23] 24 [hisG]–[hisC] [hisG], hisD, [hisC]

Unassigned new junction evidence
  seq id position reads (cov) reads (cov) score skew freq annotation gene product
* ? CP009273 360104 =NA (NA)120 (2.010) 84/292 0.0 NA intergenic (‑38/+557) lacZ/lacI pseudogene, truncated/DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor
?CP009273 = 360286 NA (NA)intergenic (‑220/+375) lacZ/lacI pseudogene, truncated/DNA‑binding transcriptional repressor