Mutation Type |
Observed Mutations |
Unique Mutations |
Single Base Substitutions |
1352447 |
612799 |
Multiple Base Substitutions |
95984 |
33265 |
Deletions |
84053 |
18811 |
Insertions |
67049 |
13074 |
Mobile Element Insertions |
9105 |
1518 |
Amplifications |
41674 |
34169 |
Gene Conversions |
17 |
5 |
Inversions |
6 |
1 |
ALEDB is the largest collection of microbial evolution mutation data in the world
1650335 instances of 713642 unique mutations from 12354 isolates across 242 unique projects
More projects added every month
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Three mutation callers for triple the confidence
Industry standard tools Breseq and GATK's HaplotypeCaller for more standard mutation calls
CNVnator for larger deletions and amplification mutations
Detailed alignment and coverage reports powered by gdtools for a consistent browsing experience
Example mutation alignment reports:
Easily export mutation data as CSV spreadsheets
For further analysis using your favorite spreadsheet tools and scripts
ALEDB contains data from over 93 different publications from around the world
To add your own data on ALEDB or to run your own ALE experiment contact us here
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ALEDB is hosted and maintained by the Systems Biology Research Group at the University of
San Diego.